Lucia Grossberger Morales was born in Catavi Bolivia in 1952. When she was three years old she immigrated to the USA. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Anthropology of the University of Southern California. Lucia has been a computer artist since 1979 when she bought her Apple II. In 1982, Apple published a software package she coauthored, The Designer's Toolkit. Along with Bob Bishop, she wrote Apple Visions: A Unique Approach to Assembly Language Programming, and Woz wrote the Foreword. In 1982, the Designer's Toolkit was shown at "The Artist and the Computer" at the Long Beach Museum of Art and "The Artist in the Lab" at Harvard University.

Cactus Dance
Lenticular Print
60 x 60 cm
Edition of 1
Took My Breath Away
Lenticular Print
60 x 60 cm
Edition of 1